- Cauchemar en business WordPress : les défis du quotidien et comment les surmonter
- The fidelity gap – how to embrace the unknown and succeed in client relationships
- What is your story?
- Managing and supporting 450+ sites – a solopreneur journey
- How to prime your WordPress website to sell: Profitable exit strategies for creators
- Marcus Burk: WordPress empowering enterprises: unlocking growth and opportunities / how to sell WordPress to enterprise
- Sustainability in WordPress – balancing the cost of contribution, business Involvement, and the future
- Finding your UX voice
- Should you raise capital for your WordPress business?
- Leading with Cultural Intelligence – strategies for breaking the invisible boundaries of global business
- You’re optimizing the wrong things
- Comment créer un site eCommerce optimisé pour la vente
- 企業によるWordPress コントリビュート成功事例: スキルアップとグローバル参加の機会
- Mehr Erfolg und Erfüllung in deinem WordPress-Business
- Aura Brito: Blogging como forma de Emprendimiento
- Empowering local stores: learn from the tech giants while staying local
- WordPress for the next generation
- Pricing WordPress products
- Un nuovo inizio dopo i quaranta: come affrontare nuove sfide
- Developing cultural intelligence
- Your technical support philosophy is losing money and angering customers
- How to get and retain web design clients
- Taming the whirlwind – growing your WordPress business while you’re busy with client work
- Esteban Grandal: WP&Emprendimiento: creación rápida de prototipos para validar modelos de negocio
- Nile Flores : WordPress 101- Social Media 101 for WordPress
- Juan S. Aparicio: ¿Cómo emprender con WordPress?
- Teemu Suoranta: The Art of Work Estimation
- Shanta Nathwani: How I started my Business during the pandemic
- Jocelyn Mozak, Nathan Ingram, Pat Ramsey, Susan Price: Panel Discussion: Adjusting Your Business in the Time of a Pandemic
- Jean Perpillant: Managing A Creative Agency, Family, Life, and a Full Time Job All at the Same Time