- Jean Perpillant: Managing A Creative Agency, Family, Life, and a Full Time Job All at the Same Time
- Karen Kitchens: WordPress 5.6 and the jQuery Update: An Agency’s Approach
- Zak Weinberg: Ten Years of Awful WordPress/Agency Mistakes
- Kori Ashton: Seven Steps to Sustainability – Improving Your Business Model For Freelancers and Small Businesses
- Stoney deGeyter: Finding Educational and Growth Opportunities in the Unlikeliest of Places
- Sara Dunn, Laura Eagin, Leeann Drees, Janelle Reichman: Panel: Starting and Running a WordPress Agency
- Nathan Onn Yeap Chuen: 3-Steps Framework for Building One-Man WordPress Agency that Lasts
- Linda Gunn: How to Scale: From Solopreneur to WP Agency Owner
- Ray Mitchell: Superagency: Creating and Telling Your Backstory
- Simon Cooke: How fast-growing agencies win business
- Rob Stinson: Running a Remote Team. Insights from a WordPress Startup and a 13-year-old Remote Agency
- Michael Hörnlimann: Vom Agentur-Büro in die ortsunabhängige Selbständigkeit mit WordPress
- Working & Thriving Solo or as a Small Agency, a keynote panel
- Freelancer/Agency Panel Discussion: Different ways to run a WordPress Business
- Arvind Singh: Freelancing/Agency Lighting Talks: Working with full freedom; working remotely
- Matthew Perkins: 5 Ways to Grow Your Agency in 1 Year
- Kandarp Bhatt: Taking Freelancing to the Next Level, Starting Your Own Agency
- Jocelyn Mozak: From Freelancer to Agency Owner: Building a Profitable WP Agency
- Alisa Herr: Winging it – Starting a WordPress Agency
- Matthew Eppelsheimer: The Life and Death of a WordPress Agency
- Silvan Hagen: From Hobby to Agency to Pursuing My Dream
- Emmanuel Chekumber: Running a WordPress Agency in Kenya
- Laura Rabell: How Running a WordPress Design Agency Allowed Me to Follow My Dreams of Becoming a Musician
- Steve Zehngut: How To Run a Successful WordPress Agency
- Alonso Indacochea: From Dead End Job to Bootcamp to WordPress Agency
- Edwin Masripan, Syafrizal Sharif, Purnendu Dash: Panel Discussion Part 2 – Running a WP Dev Agency
- Edwin Masripan, Syafrizal Sharif, Purnendu Dash: Panel Discussion Part 1 – Running a WP Dev Agency
- Mark Wahl: Being Agile At A Small Agency
- Clifton Griffin: Running an Agency – Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Job
- Aaron Ware: Keynote – The Big Fail: Breaking Down the 4th Wall of Agency Life